Wade - Destination Senior Portrait in Key West

Reaching your Senior Year of high school is a big rite of passage for everyone. Besides the litany of coursework, the plethora of extracurricular activities, and the inevitable navigation of friendship dynamics, you’ve also got plans for the future, be that college, traveling on a gap year, joining a family business, or diving headlong into a career.

Oh, and let’s not forget, the planning and execution of your very own Senior Portrait Session! For students like Wade, though, not just any old senior photo shoot will do. With an upcoming visit to the Florida Keys, high school senior sessions can be done “destination style”, incorporating the lush landscape and unique surroundings that only Key West can provide.

Press PLAY to relive the day!

When I first spoke to Wade as he was planning his upcoming visit to Key West, I knew immediately that we were going to have a great session together. Not only was he enthusiastic about the shoot itself, but we hit it off on the phone right away. When, at his invitation, I browsed through his Instagram profile, I found a particular photo that caught my eye. There was Wade, looking stylish in his Illinois State Officer FFA uniform!

Now, you may wonder why that’s interesting….Well, before I lived the island life, I was a full-on farm girl…yep…raised pigs, rode horses, took care of goats and chickens and cows. It was only appropriate, then, that my talk with Wade instantly brought back memories of my own blue corduroy wearing, pig showing, public speech giving, citrus judging days!

As the day of the shoot arrived, Wade and I met at my studio, and planned out several stops around downtown Key West, including the Customs House, Banyan Tree, Shipwreck Museum, Sponge Market, Truman Annex, and later we headed over to Fort Zachary Taylor State Park, where we could take in the stunning sunset as well.

Without further ado, check out the highlights from my senior portrait session with Wade!

Congratulations to Wade on reaching this next milestone, and wishing you much continued success in your future!